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Santa Cruz Patch writes about Windmill's Movie Dinners

by Administrator
in Press
on 24 May 2012
Hits: 5730
Guests view the Titanic at a Movie Dinner

Local Cafe Owner Pays Homage to the Titanic

Santa Cruz Patch - 05/24/2012

Posted by Maria Grusauskas

Michael Sigmon has a vision. The owner of the well-loved Windmill Cafe has launched a food-movie series that invites his guests into the movie and the movie into, well, his guests.

"When they ate the rose petal quail in Like Water For Chocolate, they [the guests] ate it with them," Sigmon explains.

Basically, Sigmon picks a food-centric film and then serves his guests whatever they are eating in the movie—usually at the same time. It's something he says he has always kind of wondered about since he was a child.

"So it's more of a cognitive experience on all levels, you're there, you're watching the movie you get the sound, you get the smells of the food,"said Sigmon.

The most recent and third film in Sigmon's summer food-movie series drew around 18 elegantly clad guests into the intimate dining room of the cafe. The room was set as if for royalty, and that's exactly what Sigmon had hoped to do for a film that documented the sinking of the Titanic:

"Essentially what I'm doing is, there's a couple, and they threw a lavish party for the Captain at the Captain's table. I'm doing a very close re-creation of what they ate. They threw the party in his honor, it's basically the captain's meal, for the last night," Sigmon said.


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